Quick Start Tutorial


MorpCC requires following services for it to function correctly:

  • postgresql database. 3 databases are needed, for following purpose:

    • main database - for MorpCC application tables

    • warehouse database - MorpCC provides a Through-The-Web (TTW) data model manager which allows creation of tables and managing data using the Web UI. Tables created by this feature will store its data in this database.

    • cache database - used by beaker for caching and session

  • rabbitmq message queue - used by background processing engine

Bootstrapping new project

MorpCC requires Python 3.7 or newer to run. Python 3.6 is also supported but you will need to install dataclasses backport into your environment.

The recommended way to install morpfw is to use buildout, skeleton that is generated using mfw-template. Please head to mfw-template documentation for tutorial.

Bootstrapping without mfw-template

If you prefer to use virtualenv, or other methods, you can follow these steps.

First, lets get morpfw & morpcc installed

$ pip install morpfw morpcc

If you are using buildout, version locks files are available at mfw_workspace repository: https://github.com/morpframework/mfw_workspace/tree/master/versions

Lets create an app.py.

import morpcc
import morpcc.permission as ccperm
import morpfw
from morpfw.authz.pas import DefaultAuthzPolicy
from morpfw.crud import permission as crudperm

class AppRoot(morpcc.Root):

class App(morpcc.App):

@App.path(model=AppRoot, path="/")
def get_approot(request):
    return AppRoot(request)

def get_template_directory():
    return "templates"

morpcc is built on morpfw which boot up application using a settings.yml file, so lets create one. You will need a fernet key which have to be generated using following python code:

$ python -c "from cryptography.fernet import Fernet; print(Fernet.generate_key().decode())"

Then lets create a settings.yml

   title: My First App
   class: app:App
   factory: morpcc.app:create_morpcc_app

   morpfw.authn.policy: morpcc.app:AuthnPolicy
   morpfw.secret.fernet_key: '<fernet-key>'
   morpfw.storage.sqlstorage.dburi:  'postgresql://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/morpcc'
   morpfw.storage.sqlstorage.dburi.warehouse: 'postgresql://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/morpcc_warehouse'
   morpfw.blobstorage.uri: 'fsblob://%(here)s/blobstorage'
   morpfw.beaker.session.type: ext:database
   morpfw.beaker.session.url: 'postgresql://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/morpcc_cache'
   morpfw.beaker.cache.type: ext:database
   morpfw.beaker.cache.url: 'postgresql://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/morpcc_cache'
      broker_url: 'amqps://guest:guest@localhost:5671/'
      result_backend: 'db+postgresql://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/morpcc_cache'

You will then need to initialize database migration:

$ morpfw migration init migrations

Default alembic Afterwards, you can then start the application using:

$ morpfw -s settings.yml register-admin -u admin -e admin@localhost.local
$ morpfw -s settings.yml start

This will start your project at http://localhost:5000/

Understanding core framework functionalities

MorpCC is built on top of Morepath, so we suggest you head to Morepath Documentation for guide on how to register your own views, etc.

CRUD engine, resource type system and REST API engine for MorpCC is provided by MorpFW. Head to MorpFW documentation to understand more on the type system used in MorpCC.

The templating language used is TAL, and we extensively use METAL for template inheritance. Head to Chameleon TAL/METAL Language Reference and Zope Page Template Reference to understand more about TAL and METAL.